3 Reasons To Consider AI Résumé Screening Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) résumé screening tools use algorithms to help you find the ideal candidate for an open position. Although conventional résumé screenings still have their place in human resources, there are several benefits to automating the process.

Save Time

The initial phase of applicant screening typically includes reviewing many résumés to find candidates that will be the best fit for the position. Since you may receive hundreds of applications and their associated résumés, AI screening will save time. AI allows you to pinpoint different keywords that you deem to be more important for a qualified applicant. This might include certain degree programs or skills. The screening tool will separate more qualified applicants from those viewed as less qualified, leaving you with fewer applicants to further screen or move to the next phase of the application process. Screening tools may also be used to fact-check résumés to see if applicants truly have a degree or have specific work experience.

Reduce Bias

Bias in hiring remains an important problem that companies need to make efforts to eliminate in their hiring practices. Although human resource employees may not feel they are being biased, there can remain a level of implicit bias in hiring. Allocating much of the process to AI reduces the chances of biased hiring practices. There are other characteristics about candidates that could increase bias beyond their personal characteristics. For example, some colleges and universities are viewed as more prestigious and recruiters may assume these graduates are more competent, which isn't always true. AI can level the playing field between graduates of a degree program at different post-secondary institutions, reducing assumptions about the quality of their degree programs.

Recruit For Other Positions

Many businesses keep résumés on file and say human resources will consider applicants for other open positions, but this may not be practical. It will be difficult to screen for one position, then go back through the applications as new openings arise. AI makes it easier to put candidates in various groups based on what jobs they would fit. This also reduces the need for applicants to put in multiple applications for different positions, which streamlines the process for both HR and applicants. If an applicant is not as qualified as another for their intended position, their application can automatically be reallocated to another position that is a better fit for their education and qualifications.

Using AI screening tools can reduce or eliminate many of the difficulties associated with reviewing applications for an open position. In addition to streamlining the process, using AI can reduce implicit bias that may occur during the application process.
